Candlelight Weekend
It’s “Shop Til Ya Drop” Candlelight Friday! I am a senior at Frankfort High, and have been working on college applications for months. I recently had to fill out a “top five” list. It could be anything, and I thought the prompt was super engaging! So, today I will be sharing my top five favorite holiday items at Completely Kentucky.
Starting at #5 is the hand-poured Peppermint Mocha Soy Candle. It smells just like Candy Land, and would be a great addition to your cozy living room.
Coming in at #4 is this beautifully intricate Equestrian Wire Ornament. The design is one of the most unique I’ve ever seen, and it would be a great gift for your auntie who crams her tree full of festive ornaments!

#3 is one of my favorite pieces in the entire store- our Driftwood hand-painted Santa Claus. As you can see, there is a family of Santas here at Completely Kentucky, and they are looking for a coffee table to call home!
My runner up (#2) is a classic. Made just over in Lexington, this perfect, mini basket is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Luckily, this artist has an expansive collection of other, colorful hand-woven baskets throughout our store if you are looking for something larger!

And… drum roll please… the winner of my Candlelight Competition is, coming in at #1, the most functional and festive snowman mug. Yes, we have some beautiful pottery, but this mug is my favorite of our collection! It goes great with one of our delicious hot chocolate bombs. Now, we just have to wait for the first winter snow!

We hope to see you this evening during Candlelight and that you find the perfect gifts for your loved ones (and yourself)!
Ella the Intern